I turned on my computer this morning and saw it, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has resigned. Oh happy day, this is wonderful news I thought. His leaving, and rather suddenly I might add, is of course a happy wonderful thing that makes you want to run out into the streets and embrace a total stranger, singing and dancing, "Have you heard? Alberto has resigned! He's gone I tell you, he's gone!"
But then it hit me like a bucket of slop from above: who are they going to replace him with? We know for sure, for a fact, that whoever they put in there next will only be worse. The words slipping over my trembling bottom lip were, "Just not Chertoff. Not Chertoff".
The first name I heard that bush had chosen was Chertoff. Chertoff who is the Head of Homeland Security. Chertoff who is a dual citizenship Israeli. Chertoff who is the son of a Mossad agent.
Supposedly the bush gang thought of Chertoff because as of yet, he has not been slathered with evidence of crime and debauchery in the papers, he would be perceived as clean enough for the job. But let's face it, it would have to be nothing but a public perception, because bush uses the attorney general to subvert the law, rewrite the law, and reinterpret the law beyond the strain of reason, and Alberto Gonzales' willingness to lick his master's boots has been a disgrace. Gonzales absence of honesty was exactly what bush needed him for, it's what got him hired. Whoever replaces him will have to have all that and more.
Consider Gonzales' qualities as you ponder what's in store for us next.
Alberto Gonzales' behavior and ethics were despicable. Promoting torture as not being torture, dismissing the Geneva Conventions as quaint, supporting the denial of detainees most basic human rights, finding preemptory war perfectly legal, actively engaging in blatant attempts to strip us of our rights. It all proves just how different these people are from what this country was founded and built on. What all of these people believe in is in direct contradiction to what the American people believe in.
It's been sickening and infuriating to watch Gonzales treat the congress and all of the rest of us like superfluous beings. They don't care that they have pushed it all past the limits of our patience, past the limits of conscience and decency. They are pleased that they have offended us, sickened us, and set the worst example of lawlessness at the top of the pyramid for all others to emulate. We shouldn't have a pyramid in the first place.
Never have I seen such offensive, debauched, combatively uncooperative people in charge of anything, much less the country. It's astonishing how much they disdain the idea of cooperating with anyone. They can't seem to operate comfortably at all inside the boundaries of the law. They're always pushing it past the boundaries, and demanding we let them. They try to sell themselves off as special, as somehow above us. As if. They even refuse to testify under oath like everyone else.
Who doesn't testify under oath? No one. But the bush crime gang claims it's beneath them to be sworn in. Whatever words pass from their lips are required to be taken as heavenly drops of golden truth, and to show the slightest disrespect for that blindingly bizarre way of thinking turns YOU into a filthy liar who just hates Republicans.
Isn't all of that the spit and image of Israel hurling epithets of anti-Semitism at any who criticize them for their unconscionable acts in Palestine, or for mere passing comments that are in any way critical or disapproving of them? Anything but 100% support gets you a kick in the crotch and an indelible nasty lie stamped on your forehead. To be fully followed up of course with ultra vengeance until you can't get a job after suddenly getting fired and no one will speak to you anymore, including your own dog. I wonder where the bush gang picked this up? It's ugly, isn't it? YUCK.
Testifying under oath shouldn't feel uncomfortable to anyone who hasn't done anything wrong. One would not expect to see such struggling and kicking from honest men, much less the refusal to even allow note taking.
It doesn't get more clear than this. They will not go on the record for anything and they will not let anyone else go on the record either. They have too much to hide, and their wrong doings are so hellacious, they can't risk speaking a single word that isn't first cleared by a master propagandist/obfuscator.
None the less the bush crime gang keeps flouting that arrogant attitude of "How dare you bother us about anything? We're special." That psychotic arrogance is enough to make you want to deck those phony idiots and wipe those smarmy little smiles off their faces, along with that eyebrow thing, slightly raised, trying to give you the Spock "you are beneath me" glare.
Can we really say we didn't know it would be like this? The 2000 election was a bizarre, unprecedented theft. Bush was installed instead of elected. If that was his first official act, there had to be a whole lot more where that was coming from. Bush wouldn't have survived the 2000 election without the inexplicable intervention of the Supreme Court, which really blew it's cover by coming out and acting like Big Daddy Fixer.
They must have been nervous, no, scared as hell to try that, since they don't have the right to decide who wins our elections. They probably expected to be stopped at any moment, disgraced, humiliated and revealed, it was quite a serious risk. But they were sanctioned by someone, sent in to do what they did, by someone who was able to ensure their protection and their success, regardless of how sticky and putrid it all was. If they hadn't pulled this ballsy trick right when they did, the hanging chads fiasco would have played out and as we now know, in spite of the many sweeping and deliberate criminal steps taken to get this man into the drivers seat, he wouldn't have made it, even with all that cheating. Who went to all that trouble in advance to make so damned sure their boy would get into office?
You know they're some kind of powerful when they can bring our presidential election process to it's knees and instruct the Supreme Court to obstruct justice in front of God and everyone. Powerful enough to make the papers let it go. Powerful enough that no one talked about how obvious their existence was, indeed it was never mentioned. At all. Very much like the fact that so many Congressmen have told us time and again that the Israeli lobby literally owns the Congress, and no one is allowed to mention that. Ever. At all.
That's scary as hell.
It was done right in our faces, but everyone in a position to do something about it, to call it what it was, to refuse to allow it, to reject the absurd falsehoods and the betrayal of the people, to stand up and cry out against the whole stinking scenario, didn't do a flaming thing. (Congress could have stopped it in a heartbeat. Why didn't they?) Instead we had even more revolting sickening cheating people like Kathryn Puke-Woman Harris who was lying so bad that even her pointy witch like face couldn't hide it. Remember her announcing how bush had won fair and square?
Did that make you want to hurl too? I don't like games, I don't like liars, cheaters or thugs, and that's all these people amount to; and those are their better qualities. But why are they all doing this? Why is there no discussion of these things in public? Why does it feel like so much effort is being made to ignore what's right in front of us, destroying the country, chomping at the bit to pound Israel's supposed enemy threat, Iran, with nuclear warheads. Without any cause.
Regarding Gonzales' resignation, our un-elected, grumpy, sore loser president was quoted to say, "After months of unfair treatment, that has created a harmful distraction at the Justice Department, Judge Gonzales decided to resign his position and I accept his decision. It's sad that we live in a time when a talented and honorable person like Alberto Gonzales is impeding from doing important work because his good name was dragged through the mud for political reasons."
Does the doody never stop flowing?
Claiming Alberto was an honest victim of unfair treatment is the bush crime gang's typical rampant hypocrisy. It is they who victimize the decent honest people and get rid of them, frame them, lie about them and destroy them for their own political ends. (Like Israel and Palestine?) The reality of it is plain.
This president used this attorney general as a cover, a form of credibility, an enabler, a validator of his crimes, past present or future. (The same way the Zionists use Israel for cover and credibility?) Every time Gonzales came on the scene he was there to rewrite reality, scampering to backdate new crooked laws far enough back to "legalize" yet another crime that bush just got caught red handed doing. (Like Israel denied running over Rachel Corey with a bulldozer, even after all those eye witness testimonies that said they did?) Alberto's job was not an easy one. I have no doubt bush will miss him sorely.
Gonzales was a worshipful underling too, willing to decimate his reputation across all the Earth for the rest of his life, in order to please his beloved master. He was willing to lie, connive, contrive, what ever it took to give his boss whatsoever he wanted, no questions asked. He was willing to join the ranks of the most hated people in the world to serve a man intent on destroying America.
All of the hard core bushies have pledged their undying loyalty to a single man, or rather to the ideology he represents, instead of a whole nation. That is our whole problem. That is what cannot be overlooked or dismissed. It's not ever supposed to be about a man, it's about our country. What a lie they sold to try to make us believe otherwise. Their sights are set on total dominance. But choosing to serve one man means abandoning everyone else, and anyone making that choice cannot be here to do anything but destroy us. They seek only to obey some perceived superior, with bush as his public face but not his being, and they will do anything to protect bush's position on top of that stolen pedestal. They need the credibility of his position to perpetrate their will on us, otherwise this would have ended long ago.
I can see a lot of things going on here that don't make sense unless Israel is in the picture.
The way this country is now, this is not us. This is not who we are. And what this government is doing is not what we have a government for.
You and me and all the people, WE pay for every single thing that costs a dime in this country. Their salaries, those expensive hardwood desks, the comfortable fine leather chairs, fancy breakfast lunch and dinner, pricey designer office supplies, their fricken butlers and 24/7 staff of every kind, their always washed and running new automobiles, $5,000 a night hotel rooms and chauffeur driven airliners, all of it, we fund it. Who could feel so comfortable spending our money with such disrespect, and showing such disrespect to the American people?
What are we getting for all this? Increasing oppression, increasing force from police, endless lies and war mongering, and their unrivaled arrogance. Criminals hiding their crimes under pay as you go made to order laws which legalize their crimes. Plus their claims that we don't need to know what they're doing.
Of course having just said that, it does bring home the point. Our president, our public servants have no right and no business living high off the hog the way they do, being catered to and chauffeured everywhere, being relieved of any common unpleasurable chores or slight inconveniences. They are not there to elevate themselves above us all, they're not anyone's superiors, and it's not their place to set about spending our money like it's going out of style, which, by the way, it has. They are not there to wheel and deal and flux with the stock market, grant the big banks their every predatory wet dream, step aside to let corporations poison us with defiled food, air, drugs and products, or to hand out billions in corporate welfare to the most profitable companies on earth even as the jobs we need to support ourselves leave the country by the millions. They seem to run the country as a mere afterthought, something they dabble in between high powered big money meetings where they concentrate on what they love the most. Bleeding us to death and gorging themselves and the rich on our ever shrinking life energy, and making plans to destroy the middle east with perpetual war. This is not America. This most certainly does not define what "public servants" are. No one could be that inane to pretend interpretations exist in the law to validate any of this.
You name me a single servant on this earth who lives in splendor, is waited on hand and foot, and who's master is told to "f" off, take a number, and shut up? What master gets a piece of mail from his servant telling him he will go die in a foreign land now whether he wants to or not, forfeiting his entire life, business, home, family and responsibilities. What servant says, "I don't care if you're sick, you can't have money for the doctors visits"?
I don't believe servants are the ones with the top of the line standard of living while the boss is scraping by, or while some of the bosses are forced to sleep in the streets and struggle for every necessity. Some even dying in the streets. It's not normal to see servants telling the boss what to do. But that's what we've got, and it's raging.
Now it is we who are outrageous for bothering our employees for a report on their work, it is we who are audacious for speaking out when presented with evidence of wrongdoing and pilfering, for seeing the gargantuan consistent failures coming one after the next, and it is we who are somehow out of line for having a problem with any of it, and doubly out of line for expecting answers from those responsible.
What kind of stupid bosses are we anyway?
We're the kind of stupid bosses who give the servants total control of all the guns in the house, permission to lie, cheat and steal, and the only existing key to the wall safe. We're the stupid kind of bosses who don't check credentials, histories, the past, and who hire people who's loyalty cannot be certain when push comes to shove. We're the kind of stupid bosses who doze off and fail to notice all our staff being replaced by strangers who we're then told we cannot know about, for our own safety. We're the kind of stupid bosses who end up locked out of their own house before they know what happened, while the servants take everything that's ours.
The final question is, are we the kind of stupid bosses who will just let it all go? Or will we do whatever it takes to reclaim what is rightfully ours?
Thank you, Ang!That was a good point you made about our being the bosses and they are the servants.