Just in case anybody's not clear yet, I'll spell it out in simple terms. There is a deeply ingrained culture of corruption, lawlessness, isolation, injustice, double standards and crime where our government is supposed to be.
Bushco wants a 700 BILLION dollar free gift to the rich, from us to the best off people in the world. It's a surreal situation on more counts than there's room to list. Why on earth is this even up for debate in Congress?
Who's up there banging their fists for the people, demanding the arrests of Wall Street shysters and shutting down the criminal rackets and busting the complicit government enablers? Nobody. Nobody's even asking questions of how the financial meltdown came about. Beyond seeming a bit irritated at the demand for a free trillion, nobody in Congress is talking about the raging rip off of the country, pulled off by the very same people now wanting to fleece us for more: bushco.
They've broken all the banks, and they've broken all the rules. With no one there to stop them, they've helped themselves, blowing our wealth, jobs and health, our prosperity, credibility, reputation, prestige, and future. This administration has systematically torn this country into pieces and destroyed every good thing we had.
They've strategically turned our rights into criminal acts and have replaced the constitution with a global business plan. They won't take no for an answer. They've staged a very hostile takeover of America. We have a new board of directors now, whoever or whatever they may be. With their own operatives inserted into our government, long standing regulations that have always prevented exactly this situation were swept aside and they went directly to town. They've glutted themselves by gutting the country and they're still coming back for more. Trillions more that don't even exist.
There is no "more", it's all gone, they've taken it, but they're standing there with their hands out, with another first rate pile of bull shit, another slick con job, and another totally rigged catastrophe. But this big fat lie will be their crown jewel, the greatest conquest of this whole stinking crime spree.
No I won't legitimize what I've witnessed with reductionist words like mistakes, miscalculations, errors in judgment, and greed. This goes way beyond that. There's no reasonable excuse for the leading financial experts in the country to all have simultaneously turned into stupid, inept losers. As if.
Let's refresh our memories as to what's been going on in this country. First, the globalist assholes decided to Free Trade the planet. Free Trade is the euphemism for financial enslavement of everybody, everywhere, with themselves at the helm, controlling all business everywhere, with them raking it all in. One great big monopoly on all production, sales and profits. Nafta, Cafta, the WTO have been rampaging across the country and all over the world preventing people from being able to grow their own food, run their own economy, have their own means to prosperity and even to simply sustain their own lives. Free Trade means ending all that and handing it all over to the globalist assholes to control and rule over as if they were the kings of the world.
Here at home they killed the farmers, turned our food into toxic waste, and shipped our jobs out of the country where they could pocket more profits by paying slave wages, and by having no environmental, health or safety regulations. These are not decent human beings. They're scum who don't care one iota about you or me or anyone else in this world. As tens of millions of good paying jobs were ripped out from under American families, nothing came back around to replace them. Guess what? People couldn't make it anymore. That's what happens when there are no jobs available, you don't have any money to pay for your survival.
The criminal bankers used overt fraud to give credit to people who they knew could not afford to pay it back. They offered sweet terms upfront, glossed over the fine print which said that in a couple years time, those sweet terms would turn into a choking nightmare. Monthly mortgage payments skyrocketed through the roof, home values tumbled, and people had no choice but to leave their house keys on the living room floor and walk away. This is exactly what they knew would happen. What the hell else could happen? This is no mortgage default crisis. This is no fault of any American family. This is a nasty scam and now these assholes are pulling the old "blame the victim" routine. They are proclaiming their innocence and good intent saying they've screwed us to death so far, but now they're going to help. For a small 700 BILLION dollar fee.
We are in the midst of a massive, national economic crime wave induced crisis. The investment sector stands by nervously with its pants around its ankles, caught in the act of screwing investors blind. Goliath banks and investment houses are going belly up exposing the greased up orgy of criminal greed they've been rolling around in for the last few years. Our multimillionaire Congress has aided and abetted and profited every step of the way. All of these fat cats are criminals and they know they're criminals. They know they've pulled off the biggest crime that's ever been committed in broad daylight. They've not only robbed us blind and penniless, they say there's a ticking time bomb somewhere, claiming we must give them hundreds of billions more dollars and sign over the rights we have to defend ourselves from them, or the bomb will go off.
This is an act of aggressive economic and psychological warfare. It was required to make the public believe a data set that they contrived for us to believe. A grand production to keep us looking elsewhere while they completed their back stabbing dirty work, breaking the back of this country, stripping us of freedom, democracy, prosperity and independence. Now they're going for the gold. Total control. Legalized fascism.
Trust us, they say.
Every time they've said, "Trust us", they've screwed us.
Now we're being told to trust them again. Is everyone in Congress asleep? Are they ALL stupid or criminals? What these people have done is such that all those responsible deserve to be taken out back and shot, which is exactly what would have happened at any other time in our history. But these people are telling us they deserve to be rewarded for destroying our economy and our country and getting personally, filthy rich.
So the cure for a poisoning is more poison?
This is a 700 billion dollar bait and switch. What is the reasoning here when the reality is that we are already DOA, but just on life support? What are we supposed to be getting for this unbelievable amount of money that we can't even hope to raise? We aren't producing wealth anymore. Where is it supposed to come from? No one is saying a word about what is supposed to be the result of this unprecedented usurpation of our personal wealth. No one is saying how the money will be used and what results they are guaranteeing to justify this grand theft. No one is explaining exactly what needs to be done and how it will be accomplished so at the very least we could see that there is a plan and that it will be carried out by qualified people fully empowered to see that it is carried out. There is no such rational talk going on. There is a reason for that.
The reason is that there is no recovery plan and there is no reason, there is no justification. These rich people don't need this money and it will not save us. This last final step is another massive crime. They've diverted our attention from their true intent in order to prevent our comprehending the real nature of what's at stake here. This is no bail out.
Read this from the Paulson Plan:
"Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency."
What? No checks and balances? No oversight? A "secret" economic recovery plan?? That doesn't even make sense, it's idiotic. It's already an announcement that we're going to get screwed again. And by the way, why should the American people have to pay out for the sins of the banking elite? Who gave congress authority to transfer their debt onto our shoulders for decades to come?
What will be accomplished, should Congress sign over economic control of America to this financial Mafia, is that the organized crime that has murdered this nation will be vetted and legalized and made into the new, official law of the land. Forever.
This so called bail out, a strategic term of deceit specifically created and repeated and used throughout the entire media is there to mislead us from what's really happening, as usual. It's a bait and switch to fascism. This is nothing less than the brazen attempt to retroactively legitimize the most heinous acts of criminal and willful destruction of the peoples prosperity on record. And not only to legitimize it but to institutionalize it, to make it the law. These people are going for nothing less than the legal right to be criminals, to be as depraved and insane as they please, in secret, no accountability, with no powers of the people to scrutinize them or take legal action against them, or to even review whatever actions and schemes they decide to undertake, so that they may rule in legal airtight solidarity over this nation and all of it's wealth, resources, and lost potential.
Congratulations, you've just been mugged and left for dead. If you call the police, you may be arrested and convicted for not loving the idea of being ripped off and rolled. You're legally required to like it. And if you don't you just may be a terrorist. You almost have to admire them for the sheer evil genius of this plan and the unprecedented size of the rocks on these guys. I don't admire anything about them. But hold your breath because as much as we were all going crazy waiting for the bush regime's clock to run out, if Congress signs it all away, it won't matter who's in office. The essence of bushco will never leave. The stench and dead bodies will be here forever and though it's hard to imagine, it will only get worse.
Before any of our dearly elected put pen and ink to paper and sign it all away, this might be a very good time to make some phone calls to DC and express yourself. No matter what happens, I'd rather have legally recognized rights and at least the semblance of freedom. If they sign that over, it won't be coming back.
Bushco wants a 700 BILLION dollar free gift to the rich, from us to the best off people in the world. It's a surreal situation on more counts than there's room to list. Why on earth is this even up for debate in Congress?
Who's up there banging their fists for the people, demanding the arrests of Wall Street shysters and shutting down the criminal rackets and busting the complicit government enablers? Nobody. Nobody's even asking questions of how the financial meltdown came about. Beyond seeming a bit irritated at the demand for a free trillion, nobody in Congress is talking about the raging rip off of the country, pulled off by the very same people now wanting to fleece us for more: bushco.
They've broken all the banks, and they've broken all the rules. With no one there to stop them, they've helped themselves, blowing our wealth, jobs and health, our prosperity, credibility, reputation, prestige, and future. This administration has systematically torn this country into pieces and destroyed every good thing we had.
They've strategically turned our rights into criminal acts and have replaced the constitution with a global business plan. They won't take no for an answer. They've staged a very hostile takeover of America. We have a new board of directors now, whoever or whatever they may be. With their own operatives inserted into our government, long standing regulations that have always prevented exactly this situation were swept aside and they went directly to town. They've glutted themselves by gutting the country and they're still coming back for more. Trillions more that don't even exist.
There is no "more", it's all gone, they've taken it, but they're standing there with their hands out, with another first rate pile of bull shit, another slick con job, and another totally rigged catastrophe. But this big fat lie will be their crown jewel, the greatest conquest of this whole stinking crime spree.
No I won't legitimize what I've witnessed with reductionist words like mistakes, miscalculations, errors in judgment, and greed. This goes way beyond that. There's no reasonable excuse for the leading financial experts in the country to all have simultaneously turned into stupid, inept losers. As if.
Let's refresh our memories as to what's been going on in this country. First, the globalist assholes decided to Free Trade the planet. Free Trade is the euphemism for financial enslavement of everybody, everywhere, with themselves at the helm, controlling all business everywhere, with them raking it all in. One great big monopoly on all production, sales and profits. Nafta, Cafta, the WTO have been rampaging across the country and all over the world preventing people from being able to grow their own food, run their own economy, have their own means to prosperity and even to simply sustain their own lives. Free Trade means ending all that and handing it all over to the globalist assholes to control and rule over as if they were the kings of the world.
Here at home they killed the farmers, turned our food into toxic waste, and shipped our jobs out of the country where they could pocket more profits by paying slave wages, and by having no environmental, health or safety regulations. These are not decent human beings. They're scum who don't care one iota about you or me or anyone else in this world. As tens of millions of good paying jobs were ripped out from under American families, nothing came back around to replace them. Guess what? People couldn't make it anymore. That's what happens when there are no jobs available, you don't have any money to pay for your survival.
The criminal bankers used overt fraud to give credit to people who they knew could not afford to pay it back. They offered sweet terms upfront, glossed over the fine print which said that in a couple years time, those sweet terms would turn into a choking nightmare. Monthly mortgage payments skyrocketed through the roof, home values tumbled, and people had no choice but to leave their house keys on the living room floor and walk away. This is exactly what they knew would happen. What the hell else could happen? This is no mortgage default crisis. This is no fault of any American family. This is a nasty scam and now these assholes are pulling the old "blame the victim" routine. They are proclaiming their innocence and good intent saying they've screwed us to death so far, but now they're going to help. For a small 700 BILLION dollar fee.
We are in the midst of a massive, national economic crime wave induced crisis. The investment sector stands by nervously with its pants around its ankles, caught in the act of screwing investors blind. Goliath banks and investment houses are going belly up exposing the greased up orgy of criminal greed they've been rolling around in for the last few years. Our multimillionaire Congress has aided and abetted and profited every step of the way. All of these fat cats are criminals and they know they're criminals. They know they've pulled off the biggest crime that's ever been committed in broad daylight. They've not only robbed us blind and penniless, they say there's a ticking time bomb somewhere, claiming we must give them hundreds of billions more dollars and sign over the rights we have to defend ourselves from them, or the bomb will go off.
This is an act of aggressive economic and psychological warfare. It was required to make the public believe a data set that they contrived for us to believe. A grand production to keep us looking elsewhere while they completed their back stabbing dirty work, breaking the back of this country, stripping us of freedom, democracy, prosperity and independence. Now they're going for the gold. Total control. Legalized fascism.
Trust us, they say.
Every time they've said, "Trust us", they've screwed us.
Now we're being told to trust them again. Is everyone in Congress asleep? Are they ALL stupid or criminals? What these people have done is such that all those responsible deserve to be taken out back and shot, which is exactly what would have happened at any other time in our history. But these people are telling us they deserve to be rewarded for destroying our economy and our country and getting personally, filthy rich.
So the cure for a poisoning is more poison?
This is a 700 billion dollar bait and switch. What is the reasoning here when the reality is that we are already DOA, but just on life support? What are we supposed to be getting for this unbelievable amount of money that we can't even hope to raise? We aren't producing wealth anymore. Where is it supposed to come from? No one is saying a word about what is supposed to be the result of this unprecedented usurpation of our personal wealth. No one is saying how the money will be used and what results they are guaranteeing to justify this grand theft. No one is explaining exactly what needs to be done and how it will be accomplished so at the very least we could see that there is a plan and that it will be carried out by qualified people fully empowered to see that it is carried out. There is no such rational talk going on. There is a reason for that.
The reason is that there is no recovery plan and there is no reason, there is no justification. These rich people don't need this money and it will not save us. This last final step is another massive crime. They've diverted our attention from their true intent in order to prevent our comprehending the real nature of what's at stake here. This is no bail out.
Read this from the Paulson Plan:
"Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency."
What? No checks and balances? No oversight? A "secret" economic recovery plan?? That doesn't even make sense, it's idiotic. It's already an announcement that we're going to get screwed again. And by the way, why should the American people have to pay out for the sins of the banking elite? Who gave congress authority to transfer their debt onto our shoulders for decades to come?
What will be accomplished, should Congress sign over economic control of America to this financial Mafia, is that the organized crime that has murdered this nation will be vetted and legalized and made into the new, official law of the land. Forever.
This so called bail out, a strategic term of deceit specifically created and repeated and used throughout the entire media is there to mislead us from what's really happening, as usual. It's a bait and switch to fascism. This is nothing less than the brazen attempt to retroactively legitimize the most heinous acts of criminal and willful destruction of the peoples prosperity on record. And not only to legitimize it but to institutionalize it, to make it the law. These people are going for nothing less than the legal right to be criminals, to be as depraved and insane as they please, in secret, no accountability, with no powers of the people to scrutinize them or take legal action against them, or to even review whatever actions and schemes they decide to undertake, so that they may rule in legal airtight solidarity over this nation and all of it's wealth, resources, and lost potential.
Congratulations, you've just been mugged and left for dead. If you call the police, you may be arrested and convicted for not loving the idea of being ripped off and rolled. You're legally required to like it. And if you don't you just may be a terrorist. You almost have to admire them for the sheer evil genius of this plan and the unprecedented size of the rocks on these guys. I don't admire anything about them. But hold your breath because as much as we were all going crazy waiting for the bush regime's clock to run out, if Congress signs it all away, it won't matter who's in office. The essence of bushco will never leave. The stench and dead bodies will be here forever and though it's hard to imagine, it will only get worse.
Before any of our dearly elected put pen and ink to paper and sign it all away, this might be a very good time to make some phone calls to DC and express yourself. No matter what happens, I'd rather have legally recognized rights and at least the semblance of freedom. If they sign that over, it won't be coming back.