Monday, January 24, 2011


Oh please.  Spare me your drama queen finger pointing judgment of my being.  What do you know of me?  Not a thing. You stand there with that look on your face, calling me racist, or antisemitic or unpatriotic or any other knee-jerking self-superior subjective judgment of my person... and all of your nose in the air bluster is nothing but hot air.  It is play acting.  It is caustic, insulting, divisive, unhelpful, illogical, unwarranted and plain stupid. 

What is the matter with you?

You're not fooling me or scaring me or making me recoil in horror for fear of your branding me with your mark of some sort of politically correct Zorro, carving a big R for racist with a circle around it on my forehead for all to see.  Your cartoon tattoos of judgment are a plastic joke.  The only thing about you that is real is your viciousness towards others.   And you're supposed to be so much better than the rest of us?  You can't even respect people with a different opinion than yours, what's so superior about that?  That is the bottom of the barrel in human attitudes my friend.  It's called intolerance, it's bigotry.  You are what you rail so loudly against. 

I don't care how self-superior you feel, you are not the end all and be all of human perfection.  Who told you that you were?  What are your qualifications for this lofty self image?  You don't have any qualifications, and according to you, you apparently don't need any.  Your personal sense of superiority comes from nothing more than a bloated, overbearing intolerance for all who are not just like you.  Well my goodness, you're just as imperfect as the very people you are so quick to judge.

People I ask you, where's Gandhi when you need him?  Where is any natural man with a lick of sense who knows the difference between a bag of hot air and a hole in the ground?  Where are the shepherds of the soul with the visionary messages that raise the human consciousness as opposed to shoving its face down into the dreck and the mud of ignorance and fear and selfishness?  Where are the voices of men who lift us to something higher by speaking to us of humility and appreciation and mutual respect?  Where are all of those voices?  Are they all dead?  All of them?  How did that happen?

Where is the common sense?  'Common sense' is an oxymoron, it's not common at all.  It's quite uncommon.  It is so uncommon in fact that the universe has to send us occasional exemplars of common sense, light bringers, those with the gift of genuine superiority that is always and only revealed by true humility and undying courage, by selfless generosity, kindness, patience, fairness and honesty and never by self-appointed, self-aggrandizing, trumpet blaring, wealth accumulating, gun toting general announcement. 

It is hard not to notice that the most hated people on earth have often been those who simply tell the truth.  You can get killed for that you know.  It seems that truth is something that most people don't want to hear.  People prefer to be lied to.  They want to be told stories that support the pink bubble they live in, stories about how superior they are, or what victims they are, or how brilliant, entitled, deserving, educated and sophisticated they are.  People want to hear that they're special, that they're better than other people, even that their version of God told them so, so it must be true.

As a brief aside, if your version of God says that 'your people' (whatever that means), are superior to all other people on earth, what was the point?  Why would the almighty being, the creator of all that is, an intelligence so profound and so beyond you that you cannot even fathom it, what point would there be in this being's mind to singling out one stripe of humanity and telling them he favors them? 

If God the almighty didn't like the rest of his human creation he wouldn't need your help to get rid of them. He could handle that himself.  If he created them he could uncreate them, but that hasn't happened and it never will.  So maybe it's not that God singled you out to dote on, spoil and favor so much as he singled you out to hold responsible.  Maybe he expects better from you because he knows you can do better.  And maybe just maybe your interpretation of being "chosen" does not equate to you being given permission to act like the most violent scum of the earth in existence and get away with it.  Maybe it really means you're supposed to do God's work for him, which, as previously noted, is not to exterminate everyone but yourself.

But you can't handle that, can you.  You? Keeping all of God's Ten Commandments?  That will be the day.  Thou shalt not kill is just too much to give up.  You like killing.  Face it, you like killing.  You know it's wrong but you just tell yourself that you're killing for God/country and you feel superior and entitled to go kill people.  Here's a tip for you, you missed the mark on this one.  Your God, should he really exist, will definitely be filling you in when you get to your version of heaven.  

There must be a special place in hell for those deluded souls who break every law of God and man in the belief it is God's will for them to do so.  Is insanity punishable by eternity in the fires of hell?  Only if it's insanity by choice.  Insanity by lazy following of the rabid herd.  Insanity by refusal to use the brains and the heart God gave you.  Short answer, yep, you're going to hell.  And all of you anal probing torturing scum bags for God & country, I hope you like pitchforks because you'll have one up your ass for the rest of all time.  Now that's patriotic.  And Godly too.

To pick up where I left off before, I was saying how it's hard not to notice that when people are demonized and vilified in the press, when it reaches a point of total saturation and orgasmic hate and fear, chances are near 100% certainty that the object/s of all that hate and fear are neither demonic nor villainous.  They are not inhuman or ungodly people.  They are not like animals.  They do not hate us for our beliefs and ways.  They are not out to get us.  They do not eat our flesh or drink human blood.  They do not take babies out of incubators and leave them on cold floors to die.  They are not rabid haters of little old innocent us, nor have most of them even heard of us.  Indeed, "they" are just ordinary people and none of them, repeat none of them, run this insane world.  None of them want to destroy it or own it or kill it anymore than we want those things.  They want to be left in peace to raise their families and live ordinary lives. 

The fact is, the moment we nationally vilify others we feel entitled to kill them and let's face it folks, this country is Murder Inc. USA.  Our leaders control the killingest military force in the world.  The American killing machine will go anywhere, anytime and kill anyone, for any reason, for no reason at all, one at a time, in pairs, in mass numbers, in any variety and combination of ways, with or without torture, rape and disemboweling, with or without electrodes attached to genitals and breasts, and all at no cost to the supposed beneficiaries of all this killing.  The American people, in semicomatose submission to the killer clown kings that lead this nation to endless war, will pay for every penny of it.  They will pay for every bomb, every missile, every warhead, every bunker buster, every tank and plane and drone and concentration camp, every weapon and every drop of chemicals, every method of radiation and burning of flesh and they will do so by and large while not having any idea about any of it.  They will put themselves and their grandchildren 7 generations forward into cast iron prisons of usurious debt that they will never, ever, ever be able to extricate themselves from, due to the illicit and unnecessary interest rates charged on all those hundreds of billions of dollars borrowed in order to keep on killing and killing and killing the whole damned world a hundred times over so that we can feel "safe".  That's freedom baby. 

That's our biggest gift to humanity folks, our bottomless hate driven fear of brown people, go ahead and tell me I'm wrong.  Americans love to hate.  Not all of us by any means, but enough of us to do so much damage, it's hardly news.  American bigots are ignorant, self-superior, hostile bullies that can be riled up and led as easily as exciting a kitten with a bit of string.  All it takes is a concerted symphony of talking heads on TV spewing out hate and fear of people and love and respect for war, while pointing the finger somewhere "over there" and saying, "we are in terrible danger because those terrible people hate us and are going to come kill us in our beds!"  That's all it takes and boom!  We're off to war.  Again.  And we're being seen naked and genitally groped in every airport in the country because we are so afraid that maybe somehow somebody else might come along with another firecracker in his underpants and give us a good scare. 

We can't handle it.  We can't handle anything anymore, the whole damned world has become a direct threat to us.  We're ready to kill everything, anywhere anytime just bring it on because we're reduced to cowering whimpering fearful clinging followers of blatantly illegal, false, bloodthirsty authority that has made a total mockery of everything we are and everything we stand for and everything we believe in.  We're fine with that, just don't let  any of that evil socialism seep in here and don't let any of them towel headed moozlums get us!  Don't let them bring their America hating God hating women hating Sharia law into our congress and force us to wear towel heads and beat our women and hate ourselves.  Because that's just so likely to happen unless we wage war on the whole of the Muslim world and take all of their oil while we're at it and also pave the way for the infected carbuncle on the ass of the world known as Israel to move forward in their vision of Israel-World.  More land for Israel.  More and more and more land for Israel.  Yes, they really need all that land.  Would everyone in the middle east please leave?  Israel is moving in.  And the US military contractors, agents and guns for hire are laying the sidewalk for them. 

Is anybody really missing any of that?  Really?

You know, me saying that, just calling it like I see it, if it came to the attention of the bigots and warmongers in control of our poor, castrated, confused country, would get me immediately branded as antisemitic and unpatriotic and un-American and maybe even as a terrorist supporter.   Even though all I'm doing is reporting what is there to see, it is not hidden.  I am telling the truth as I see it.  How can that make me any of those things? 

Well, the short answer is it can't.  And it doesn't. 

What is this about?  All these attacks on people who won't tow the line of the illegal foreign corporate entity pretending to be our government?  Why the brutality and bullying and forceful insistence that when we see what we see that it is not what we see but something else entirely that they will explain to us.  These people are telling us what to think.

I don't need any help with how or what I think.  I didn't ask for anyone's input on what I think.   You don't get to dismiss me, I'm your equal bubba, deal with it.  I see things different than the mindwashing sales pitch that's constantly being crammed down our throats.  I think what they're selling is wrong.  I think they lie about everything.  And I think nothing they say deserves to override what the rest of us have to say.  I know for sure that not one of those arrogant gas bags and phonies, dual citizenship senators or pentagon denizens or mass media propagandists is remotely qualified or entitled to tell me what to think.  Every last one of them can kiss my big fat butt. 

I will think what I think.  I will say what I see.  I will criticize the wrongdoing done in the name of this country. I will criticize the vile scum posing as our representation when we have so little real representation.  Money talks and money walks, and money and guns are running our lives. Money and guns and a desire for domination so profound that it is the way it has always been on this poor little violence and greed ravaged world since forever. There's nothing new about this.  This is the dark spot that goes round and round and round our world blocking out the sun and bringing on death and war and violence and rape and human sacrifice and pillage...all in the name of some authority or another.  It's always the same people doing the same things.

The mighty, mighty cocksuckers are having their field day on earth, again.  They want World War III so bad they can't stand it.  They are working overtime like radioactive cockroaches scuttling about in the dark, in the walls, underground, with their tapped lines and intercepts, their media control, their plane loads of cash and prostitutes and hidden cameras, their illicit private contract killers, their bottomless funds, their legions of clueless youthful recruits to carry it all out for them, their well honed needle sharp experts at manipulation, all working so hard, so relentlessly, every night and day, around the clock, to set Christians against Muslims, Jews against the world, to create armies of disgruntled head shaving angry racists, masses of discontented, disillusioned, hopeless, grasping, hungry, homeless, jobless ordinary people, and stirring the pot, stirring the pot, turning up the heat.  A steady stream of lighter fluid is added to the mix and then one day, when the moon is in the right phase and the moment is right they will simply toss in a single lit match and it will explode into violent, earth shattering hate and destruction.  And mark my words, the self same creators of all of this hate and death and suffering will stand before us and look right into the television cameras to tell us that we have no choice but to nuke the shit out of whoever they'll say has done this to us.  And we will say and do what we always say and do, "Hell yeah! We're number one!  We'll make them pay!"

Will anyone hear me telling them this is all contrived?  It's all about money and power games and misguided sexual overdrive acting out a need to dominate everything that moves in order to feel secure that you'll get what you want and need and beyond.  No,  no one will hear me.  In fact I'll be branded unpatriotic, un-American, antisemitic, and a terrorist supporter because I don't want to kill anyone.  Because killing is not an answer it is a  depraved sport, and a lucrative sport at that, and I don't stand behind that or anyone who does.  We have out of control murderers galloping the globe for God & country, for The Cause; which as you know means anything goes, anything at all in the name of The Cause.  And anything is going. Everything is going.

It all boils down to selfishness.  And the delivery vehicle is so called political correctness. 

I'm telling you that there are no such things as political correctness or preexisting conditions or the internet.  There is only us.  Just people.  Plain, ordinary, human, mortal, imperfect people.  People of all walks of life, all ages, all stages of health and sickness.  Some are honest and honorable, some are wise, some are brave, and some are ignorant and small minded.  We're all just people. Our needs are the same no matter where we live: food and water, clothing and shelter, love and health and something meaningful to do with our lives.  That's not hard to understand is it? How can it be hard to understand that when people, any people, are systematically deprived of any of those things that there will be serious trouble? 

All of the world's people have hearts and souls, we all love our children and we all want to leave the world a better place.  We all want to live in a just world, a fair world, a kinder world, a world without violence and armies and land grabs and power struggles.  And if all of those mighty, mighty cocksuckers would just fuck off and leave the people of this world alone, we might just be okay.  But they won't.

I say don't hate your neighbor.  Don't hate your neighbor if they have a problem with illegal immigration.  Every country in the world is filled with people who react just like we do when their borders are overrun with people from other places.  It's not racist, it's a normal response.  The feeling of being overwhelmed, overridden by strangers is scary and threatening.  Massive immigration upsets the entire status quo.  It uproots personal status and security and if you don't think that's very serious indeed then you just don't think.  If you want to call that 'racist' then you need to get honest inside yourself. 

People who are unhappy about illegal immigration, people of other faiths and cultures, people with other values and priorities than yours are not wrong, they are what they are and who are you to judge them?  Your position is not automatically right, why would it be?   Would it kill you to take people as they are and love them anyway?  No, but it will kill a lot of people if you don't.

Before you point at Muslims and exclaim they're crazed and violent extremists who hate us for no good reason, why don't you take a look at who is telling you those stories and who is benefiting from those stories being told?  Because it isn't you, and it isn't me.  It's the same old mighty, mighty cocksuckers who are raking in bottomless pits of benefits in dollars, the financial terrorists; plus their symbiotic enabling of the other mighty, mighty cocksuckers who forever lust to commit murder; mass murder for pleasure, mass murder as surrogate for sexual domination of the entire planet.  Only the mighty, mighty cocksuckers benefit.  Everybody else loses.

So please, spare me your judgment about my being and my person.  I don't care if I'm not okay with you, I really don't.  Your position is yours and mine is mine and if you will not shake my hand and be my neighbor anyway, then the real problem my friend, is you.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Right and Wrong vs. Supporting the Cause

There's a lot of head butting out there these days, something I don't have much taste or tolerance for.  I don't see brute force as a proper determinant of winners and losers.  Brute force is, in truth, an ultimate position of weakness.  Brute force is desperate and afraid of truth.  It hates and dismisses truth.  It punishes truth.  Brute force specifically aims to destroy the existence of truth.

No legitimate thing is harmed by the truth about it.  It is only the illegitimate that cannot withstand its own truth being revealed.  The truth destroys the lies.  Positions based on lies are decimated instantly once the truth about them is known. 

This is why it's always been so obvious to me that things like gag orders slapped on whistleblowers,  press censorship, police brutality against peaceful dissent and back room political deals are based on lies and reasons that cannot withstand the light of day.  Governments that oppress, threaten and violate their own people are openly admitting that who and what they are, who and what they serve, have nothing to do with legitimate leadership concerned with the good of the people they ostensibly exist to serve.  Oppressive regimes serve only themselves, and they demand that all people serve them instead of it being the other way around.

Why should the public serve authority? There is no reason for people to forfeit their own needs, wants, beliefs and values to instead serve the selfish self-interests of so-called authorities.  Yet this is the status quo all over the world.  But why do the vast majority of people in this world accept and support this arrangement?  What do we see happen when authority becomes destructive, oppressive and unjust?  That destructive, self-serving authority lashes out with brute force, sometimes killing millions of its own people.  Authority would be much more amenable to straightening up and flying right if it did not have the option of using brute force to terrify and destroy its critics.  Brute force is weakness and fear personified.

Authorities are mere mortals like everyone else.  They have no special qualities that separate them from those they dictate to.  People in positions of authority cannot fly or turn invisible or walk through walls or escape death.  They must eat and sleep and drink and feel pain and confront the same private challenges that every person in the world must confront and deal with in the course of a lifetime.  Authority figures are every bit as prone to weakness and selfishness, dishonesty, deceit, lying, stealing and cheating as the rest of humanity if not more so, they are not above any of it.  They are not exempt from bad behavior.  They are not always honest or right or even all that well informed or well intended.  And the more authoritarian they are the less likely it is that they'll even really give a damn about the effects their demands have on anyone else. 

This is anathema to justice.  It is the opposite of what is fair and decent and moral and ethical; in a nutshell it is wrong.  It is purely self serving.  When that self-service reaches the heights of arrogance and cruelty, the truth of who and what selfish authority is cannot be covered up.  It virtually screams its true identity and purpose from every hilltop and rooftop.  It is like Godzilla rising up out of the ocean and coming ashore, stepping on villages and power lines and howling as sparks fly beneath its feet.  It is not at all subtle.  It demands everyone's immediate and total attention. And every thing that every one does can only be in response to this monster on the loose in their lives.

This is nothing new.  How many centuries have gone by with this kind of corrupt, self-serving power at the helm of nations and cities and religions and economies, enslaving people and waging wars to conquer and claim the territories, wealth and resources of others?  Pick up the newspapers today and read of examples around the world of repressive, violent regimes engaging in slaughter, in vote rigging, in threatening, imprisoning, torturing and killing of political dissenters and competitors.  Even here in the good old USA we witness republican factions working very hard to remove millions of people from registered voters lists, in particular people who are poor and black and very likely to be voting for democrats.  Republicans are eternally obsessed with finding reasons to call for people's right to vote to be taken away from them.  In some states, anyone who has ever been convicted of a felony has had their right to vote taken from them, although this makes no sense and is irrelevant to voting.  No one's legal, or moral or birth rights are ever subject to denial by anyone else for any reason.  It's just stupid to pretend it's anyone's call to decide who has rights and who doesn't, and yet we hear this all the time.

Prominent democrats in our hallowed halls of government shamelessly proclaim that anyone accused of being a terrorist, just accused mind you, not proven to be a terrorist, that such persons upon accusation should not be entitled to legal rights, no day in court, no lawyers, no phone calls, not even a basic level of humane treatment.  They deserve nothing, once accused, meaning they only deserve to die.  This sort of arbitrary condemnation of others is heinous and baseless, and if nothing else, none of our dearly elected or anyone else for that matter, has any right or business deciding who is good enough to live or die, or who is good enough to deserve equal treatment under the law.  But go tell them that and you'll get a choir of Sarah Palins in your face. 

When it is so clear that people who behave this way are illegitimate at the very least, and it is obvious that this self-serving, judgmental, repressive arrogance and hypocrisy is destructive to the people, then how can it be so pervasive and growing stronger by the day?  Why don't people see it for what it is?  How can filthy lying whores like Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, most of our dearly elected and the far right political/religious extremists be able to capture and recruit so many Americans and bring them into their demented, destructive fold?

What it boils down to can best be summed up in a question. 
Which of these two things do you believe is the most important?

1) Knowing right from wrong
2) supporting "The Cause" 

Because it is the clash of these two immovable forces that causes the outrage, resentment, fear, intolerance and outright hatred battering our country into bits and pieces of security obsessed, unconstitutional, inhumane, disastrous self-destructive cluelessness.

It very much matters which one you pick.  Let's look closer at those choices and see why. 

Right and Wrong
For different people to live peacefully side by side they must have just one important thing in common.  They must agree to the definition of right and wrong and then abide by that definition.  As long as all parties involved do that, not much else has to be held in common. 

Right and wrong are impartial.  They are no respecters of persons.  They see no rank or status or wealth or philosophy or religion or political affiliation.  Right and wrong are right and wrong no matter who you are or who you think you are.  Right and wrong are the same for everyone.  If it is wrong for you to kill then it is also wrong for me to kill.  This is simple stuff, a child can easily understand it.  Regardless of choice of or lack of religion, right and wrong still apply the same across the board.  Regardless of nationality, gender, age, income level, education or lack thereof, right and wrong apply the same to one and all, and can be understood by one and all.

Supporting The Cause
Enter "The Cause".  The greater good.  The war effort.  The church.  The political party.  While we're at it toss in the ugly underbelly of human weakness: racism, sexism, religious bigotry and all bigotry including heart-swelling nationalistic love of country.  Conflate heart-swelling love of God with heart-swelling love of country and you've got the mother of all righteous causes to support.  Suggesting otherwise would likely get your ass kicked, at the very least.  

Ever since that horrible moment when g.w.bush looked the world in the eye and said, "You're either with us or you're against us", he set in motion the exact recipe for disaster that would culminate in the ultimate destruction of America.  He probably didn't set out to destroy America, but he certainly did achieve exactly that.  Why?  Because his entire premise and foundation was an untruth.  He was just plain wrong.  There are many more options than either being with us or against us.  Asserting there are no other options sealed America's fate.  The entire foundation of his war effort, his war on terror, the national security state, his beliefs about market fundamentalism, all of it, was wrong.  Wrong in the sense of right and wrong.  So in essence, what sounded like righteousness was a hollow foundation, a foundation that could not exist and never did exist.  All the cheerleading and belief in the world would not turn empty air to wood or stone.  There was no "there" there.  There is still no "there" there.  And all of the lying, scrambling of facts and figures, obscuring of information, secrecy, and congressional bills passed in the world cannot change that.  It is all based on a lie compounded by hundreds and hundreds more lies to try to cover and support the first foundational lie.  To use a word I've grown to loathe, it's simply not sustainable.

Supporting The Cause supersedes right and wrong, and that of course is untenable and false.  You cannot ignore and defy right and wrong any more than you can ignore and defy gravity.  You can try, and they sure do try, but you cannot succeed.  Supporting The Cause by definition includes doing whatever it takes to prevail.  That specifically means ignoring right and wrong.  It specifically means becoming monsters "if need be", in order to assure that our cause emerges victorious.  When nothing matters but supporting the cause then all actions proceed from extremes of selfishness.  By contrast when right and wrong decides our behavior we are thinking of others and not only of ourselves.

Supporting The Cause means looking the other way when you see horrific wrong doing, corruption, murder, any and every wrong thing.  Because The Cause is all good then to criticize it is to say that it is not all good.  To say that it is not all good is to be against it.  It makes you a threat to The Cause, it makes you the enemy.   It must be "my country right or wrong", no matter how wrong it gets.  It will be "my religion is good, your religion is not my religion so it can only be bad.  You are not on my side so you must be my enemy".  This is thinking inside "The Cause". 

Supporting The Cause has created euphemisms like "collateral damage" to describe and excuse the deaths of innocent civilians.  That's just one example but there is a virtual library of such euphemisms.   Supporting The Cause has enabled and funded the existence of covert departments of government that overthrow governments in foreign countries, so much so that it would be foolish to believe it hasn't been happening here as well.  Of course it has been.  To those who do this work it is all  for a greater cause.

The Cause is completely egocentric.  It becomes the only thing that matters.  It doesn't matter how many people die, or how much injustice is wrought, all that matters is supporting The Cause.  The Cause can only see The Cause and nothing else.  People are used for the good of The Cause.  Murder, torture, false imprisonment, cruelty and abuse go hand in hand with supporting The Cause.  It is because The Cause supposedly defines and stands for the highest definition of what is right and true and good, then it would only seem logical that nothing done for the good of The Cause could be wrong. 

But that would be wrong. 

Causes are transient and fleeting.  Right and wrong will still be here after The Cause blazes through and torches everything to ashes.  Right and wrong are irreplaceably valuable.  Right and wrong guide us. When right and wrong no longer matter then what is left?  Arbitrary brute force to achieve whatever your selfish aims are.  And that is precisely what America has devolved to.  It now approaches every threat, real or imagined, every challenge, every problem, every annoyance, every failure to fully submit to its will with overwhelming force.  It throws hundreds of billions of dollars at military might and security forces, equipment and training, and everything else has been thrown under the bus, including the people of this country along with their well-being and future.  Now the people are the suspicious enemy.  The people are being scrutinized to determine their individual allegiance to "The Cause". Those who don't care about false causes or meaningless labels and instead put human life and simple right and wrong first, they are becoming the enemy, the new domestic terrorists.

There is nothing wrong with loving your country or loving your God or laying down your life in support of what you love and believe in with all of your heart.  What is wrong is believing that the most private and personal choices people make in a free world, like who and what they love and believe in, has to be the exact choices you make or else they are your enemy.  That is wrong.  All any of us have a rightful expectation of is being treated the same as others inside a community that knows the difference between right and wrong and otherwise leaves us alone.  The Cause can never leave others alone because it is desperate to prevail.  It exists only to prevail and for no other reason.  It is forever asked to prove it is right, but it cannot.  All it can do is try to kill dissent, literally, until everyone is dead but those who support The Cause.  And if that is not the very definition of evil, then I don't know what is.